This week was my one-year anniversary of becoming a Lady of Leisure. What a ride! As I wrote in my piece for the Philadelphia Inquirer, I viewed my early retirement as an adventure. And it has been. I've had the opportunity to write magazine-length pieces, essays, go to art shows (Capuccio at the Phila. Art Museum is excellent for any shopaholic), and throw myself into volunteering at the resident teen's school. Today, six month's of work has come to fruition in the school's house tour book! It was incredibly hard work but such a blast, and I'm proud of the result.
So this Lady of Leisure is raring for year two. I guess I should rename my blog My YEARS as a Lady of Leisure!
When I wrote my piece on early retirement, the reaction was divided. I got an email -- the first reaction -- from a reader who accused me of having "one rich husband."
"Choices, what a joke! Most women I know who work and have kids do not feel as if there is a choice. You won't do bathrooms? Hmmm next life time I need to be so spoiled."
Of course, many, many women have no choice on the matter. But many others do -- or find a way to make that choice a possibility -- and yet still struggle with expectations, real or imagined. Other readers got that. "I could relate to it on so many levels," wrote one woman. "It is somewhat comforting to know I am not alone in having a small panic attack when anyone asks me do you work. As a retired successful advertising account executive, I sometimes say, "yes I work I just don't get paid for it." This leaves the
person wondering what in the world does that mean. I want to thank you for your beautiful words and for letting me know I am not alone. I hope you are enjoying your leisurely tub soaks!"
Yes, I do.
So this Lady of Leisure is raring for year two. I guess I should rename my blog My YEARS as a Lady of Leisure!
When I wrote my piece on early retirement, the reaction was divided. I got an email -- the first reaction -- from a reader who accused me of having "one rich husband."
"Choices, what a joke! Most women I know who work and have kids do not feel as if there is a choice. You won't do bathrooms? Hmmm next life time I need to be so spoiled."
Yes, I do.