Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.
After 24 years of working as a journalist for the venerable Philadelphia Inquirer, I volunteered for a layoff. Why would I give up a perfectly good job as a lifestyle writer? It was a chance, a risk, to try something different after doing much of the same type of story -- The Trend -- for too many years. In a do-more-with-less environment at a newspaper in the midst of bankruptcy, I looked ahead 10 years and didn't like what I saw. What was the value of spending my days writing about more men drinking tea, or boomers suffering aching bones, or the Gen Yers who don't want to work a 9 to 5? Don't get me wrong. Each of those stories had value to our reading public and the folks featured in the story. Just not for me as much any more. Been there, done that.
So I jumped ship. When colleagues asked what was next, I sheepishly had to reply, nothing in particular, nothing paying (besides freelancing, and there is a reason the word free is in there). It is an opportunity, a next chapter, early retirement. I think of it as a chance to do nothing and everything. Everything I never had any time to do before: gardening, volunteering, writing this blog.
It's the beginning of an adventure. I'm no longer a staff writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer. I'm a Lady of Leisure.
Tomorrow, I trade my business suit for a track suit.